Reflective Practitioner

Reflective Practitioner
This is what I want to be

From Passive to Reflective - this is who I want to be

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Implementing Reflective-Reflexive Learning in the Digital Classroom

This module’s reflection is somewhat a little different from my previous posts. What I reflected on this week was my assignment and how I did, what I could have done differently and how I intend to go forward from here, my thinking is consistent with the Kolb’s theory as I looked at the what, so what and now what.

As I started this assignment it was important that I first got an understanding of what is reflection, a simple explanation. In the article by Reed & Koliba (nd) they provided me with this explanation by first stating that we reflect everyday by looking in the mirror. By looking back in your mind and your experiences you can make decisions based on what has happened. I then took a look at the article by Pavlovich et al (2009) to see the various assessment that can be used. Understanding these two articles fully it led me to think about my audience for whom my lesson plan was catering to, recognizing that the assessment to be given is determined based on the audience.

My area of expertise is that of HR but I wanted to come from within my comfort zone and apply my knowledge of reflection and how to relate it to assessment for my students and hence I looked at grade 5 students to see how I could achieve this. Whew, what was I thinking? First of all, I had no idea what activities, not to mention what types of technology, I could possibly use for these children at that age. This is so, as I know that in adult learning, blogs, wikis, discussion forums and e-portfolios can be used for students to reflect on various topics. I laugh now as I type this as I ask myself why would you think to go outside of your scope?

So off I went trying my best to come up with activities and technology to use within the lesson plan. What made it start to get easy for me was when I paused and thought about the fact that students are very much technologically savvy and by introducing them to the Edmodo tool which is quite similar to facebook, I should not have much trouble in being able to accomplish the reflective component of the lesson. Notwithstanding, that I also incorporated parents into this teaching element of my plan. Creating the lesson plan then became quite easy but then came the technology to present the lesson plan. I always thought of myself as a “topclass” technology person, even though I only knew how to do a power point, as I always thought power point was it, but here we were asked to use a different method to present. I could have used the same power point and then recorded with screencast-o-matic, but being the sucker for punishment that I am, I went ahead and tried something new, powtoons. Can I stress more how this whole assignment was truly a learning experience?  Clueless to powtoons I still approached it with all that I had and was able to successfully complete the assignment.

Coming out of this whole experience, what I must remember as a facilitator, is that I must be able to cater reflective practices to the intended audience, to have a 10-year old do a blog post would not be as effective as having an adult do a blog. What I also need to do is to start using different technology to do things and stop using what is comfortable. What made me say this? I do not know who your audience will be, I may have to teach Secondary school students Management of Business and as such I will need to be able to equip myself with all forms of technology. This becomes a bittersweet topic today, as we look at the fact that with the COVID-19 everything now has to go online, you may be asked to assist and lend your knowledge of online learning as we are forced now to go online. I can now boast as being that facilitator who knows how to integrate reflective-reflexive practices in learning.

Below is the link to my presentation, which demonstrates my ability to use the readings to effectively create a lesson plan with incorporates reflection catering to the appropriate age group. Please copy and paste the link in google for the best result.
Lesson Plan with Learning Resources


Pavlovich, K., Collins, E., & Jones, G. (2009). Developing students's skills in reflective practice: Design and assessment. Journal of Management Education, 33 (1), 37-58.

Reed, J., Koliba, C., (nd). Facilitating Reflection - A Manual for Leaders and Educators.


  1. Good Job Carol

    Reviewing this video posted in the Blog designed by Carol Jordon. It is evident that she placed significant thought into the design and layout of the video content. Carol’s blog was created with POWTOON.
    What is Powtoon? Powtoon is deemed a software for business founded in 2012 by Ilya Spitalnik and Daniel Zaturansky. It’s design to create animated, videos that are embedded and slideshows. (Wanborough, 2015). As I reviewed this blog I saw how Carol embedded these elements into her blog to provide a clear understanding of the lesson plan on the assigned course Composition Narrative Writing Three Alpha. Although the blog was explicitly done. There are some suggestion adjustments that Carol could have implemented into her blog which will be detailed in her checklist. Overall, a great job and Carol really utilized the usage of Powtoon evidently seen in her presentation

  2. This comment was posted by Raylene Gardiner on April 19th, 2020


Summary Post

Schoe (1983) contends that reflective practice uses many methods for one to understand the difficulties of decision-making in the organiza...