Reflective Practitioner

Reflective Practitioner
This is what I want to be

From Passive to Reflective - this is who I want to be

Saturday, February 15, 2020

My BIG 5 Personality Trait

Personality – What really is It!!!! When I think of personality, I think of characteristics and qualities that determine who a person is. Each person’s personality is quite different, each person is like a stone but what makes us unique is when we are carved into something beautiful whether it is a diamond, a ruby or even a sapphire, we then become our own individual with our own personality.

I identify as having many strengths including being intuitive, focused, compassionate, thorough, dependable, goal-orientated and efficient as well as being a team player.  According to my own theory I believe that my biggest weakness is that I tend to be too accommodating.
To take a look at my personality traits I used the Big Five Model, based on a range of factors, to determine my personality. My highest score was that of conscientious which seem to cover many of my behaviors namely: hard working, ambitious and being able to plan and organize effectively. When these results were revealed I smiled to myself and said I wonder if this is something I always had or is it highly demonstrated at this point as a result of me getting old and needing to be more proficient in everything I do by being totally organized or I should say attempting to be totally organized. Subconsciously, I do agree with the results, that this is in fact me.

My second highest score contradicts who I really am as it speaks to one who is low in self-esteem, sad, insecure and unsure of themselves. How could this possibly be my second highest score, hmmm, this surely leaves me to ponder? On the other hand, the agreeableness trait scored the lowest and this was quite shocking to me. How so? This low score highlights negative vibes which I consider to be quite the opposite to my personality. If this is in fact the case, it means I have a lot to do to ensure that I exhibit positive relationships with not only family but peers and all that I may come into contact with. This trait is very important in all aspects of life as we deal with all types of people, whether personally, professionally or academically. I often hear others say to me, “Carol, you are full of life, always willing to help, always cheerful”, but now I know I need to stop and think about how I am currently doing things and if they are being done in the best interest of others or for my own self-achievement.

Colleagues, do your scores truly represent who you are?

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